How does Scribe track and store data?

When you install your Scribe signature, we begin tracking signature openings and clicks. If you wish to opt out of this automatic tracking, you can do so from your workspace settings page.

We anonymize IP addresses, ensuring that we never store the raw IP addresses of your recipients.

Data Expiration Practices

To comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we automatically delete data that we no longer need or have a use for.

  • For a free plan, tracking data is retained for 30 days.

  • For a paid plan, tracking data is retained for 1 year.

  • Concerning workspace data (like teammates), we retain this data until your workspace is deleted or if your workspace remains inactive for 6 months.

How We Track Data

Below is a comprehensive list of the data we track:

Standard Data Tracked

  • IP (anonymized)

  • Country (Determined from IP before anonymization)

  • Client name (e.g., Chrome, Apple Mail)

  • Client version

  • Device type (e.g., Mobile, Tablet, Laptop)

Customizable Data Syncing

You have the autonomy to select which data you want to sync from your email provider to Scribe. By default, we sync mandatory details like email, along with first name, last name, and job position.

Last updated