Bamboo HR

Here is the data from Bamboo HR we store in Scribe:

  • Profile picture

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Job title

  • Work phone

  • Work phone plus extension

  • Work phone extension

  • Mobile phone

  • Home phone

  • Department

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • State

  • Zip code

  • Country

  • Age

  • Date of Division

  • Location

  • LinkedIn URL

  • Facebook URL

  • Instagram URL

  • Twitter

  • Pinterest

Note that if you configured a report_id when activating the integration, we only store the data from this report.

Scribe only reads data. We can not edit data in your Bamboo HR instance. Scribe is SOC II type 2 compliant.

Last updated