Does Scribe email signatures compatible with all email clients?

Yes, Scribe email signatures have been engineered and designed to work with all email clients and browsers, and are responsive on all devices.

Here are the main challenges Scribe is solving in displaying email signatures correctly across different email clients:

HTML/CSS Support Variations:

Different email clients have varying levels of HTML and CSS support, making consistent rendering challenging. Some clients strip out certain styling elements or handle them differently.

Image Rendering Issues

Email clients handle images differently - some block them by default, and others may have trouble with certain image formats or break image alignments.

Font Compatibility

Not all email clients support custom fonts, leading to inconsistent typography. Web fonts may not render properly, forcing fallback to system fonts.

Mobile Responsiveness

Email signatures need to adapt properly across different screen sizes and devices, which can be tricky given limited CSS support in email clients.

Table-Based Layout Limitations

Many email clients still require table-based layouts for reliable formatting, which can make modern design implementations more complex.

Background Images and Colors

Support for background images and colors varies widely between email clients, potentially breaking signature designs.

CSS Class and ID Support

Many email clients strip out or ignore CSS classes and IDs, requiring inline styles for consistent rendering.

Line Height and Spacing Issues

Different email clients interpret spacing and line height differently, causing inconsistent vertical alignment.

Last updated