Which scopes is used by Scribe from the Google Workspace API?

Google Workspace Admin SDK

You can find what each scope gives access to on the following page: https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/guides/authorizing

Scribe is using the following scopes:

1. Needed to sync your co-worker list: admin.directory.user.readonly

2. Needed to sync your departments: admin.directory.orgunit.readonly

3. Needed to sync your domains: admin.directory.domain.readonly

4. Needed to sync user custom attributes created in Google Workspace: admin.directory.userschema.readonly

Gmail API

You can find what each scope gives access to on the following page: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/auth/scopes

1. Needed to update the signature: gmail.settings.basic

2. Needed to update the alias's signature: gmail.settings.sharing

Scribe has read-only access to all user/department/domain data. We can not edit data in your Google Workspace or read your emails. Scribe is SOC II type 2 compliant.

Last updated